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West Yorkshire Housing Partnership

Our Chief Executive, Nick Atkin, is Vice Chair of the West Yorkshire Housing Partnership which is made up of 13 housing associations and two local authorities with homes in the region.

The partnership also works with the Mayor of West Yorkshire, West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Homes England to tackle the shortage of affordable homes in the region. The new West Yorkshire Housing Partnership website sets out how we're delivering on this aim by working together with our key partners.

Keep up to date with our latest publications

You can keep up to date with the partnership's work by reading the latest annual report and summary notes from the CEO meetings, which take place throughout the year, on the new website.

The partnership's five key priorities include: building affordable homes; driving quality and regeneration, tackling the climate emergency; creating inclusive communities; and connecting housing, health and homelessness.

We're also a member of the South Yorkshire Housing Partnership and York and North Yorkshire Housing Partnership