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Our executive directors

Meet our executive directors

Think directors are dull? Think again! 

Our exec team really know their stuff. Their job is to guide us through the good times and the not so good times.  They make sure we’re staying on track and keeping our promises. They give us the freedom to do things a little bit differently (we like to call it doing it the ‘Yorkshire Housing way’). And they inspire our amazing colleagues to be the best they can possibly be.  

All in a day’s work for our execs. Oh, and did we forget to mention? They’re a pretty decent bunch of people too. 

Man smiling at camera in office environment

Nick Atkin

Chief Executive

When it comes to social housing, Nick’s the bee’s knees. And he’s got a tip-top track record to prove it. 

He’s a big believer in innovation and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. He uses the power of digital to drive change and he’s also a disruptor in the ‘future of work’ debate. 

And when Nick talks, everyone listens.He’s regularly included in the top 25 list of most influential people in housing.  

For him, leadership’s about being authentic and keeping it real. Because credible leaders attract talented people who make things happen. 

Man with golden labrador sitting on his lap

Nick Atkin

Chief Executive

What job would you be doing now if you’d followed your childhood dreams?

I’d be a motorbike courier. But I don’t think there’s much call for them anymore!

Which Yorkshire born and bred person do you admire the most and why?

The actor Sean Bean. He’s stayed true to his Yorkshire roots and he’s a great brand ambassador for the county. Plus, I loved his part (albeit short lived – spoiler alert!) in Game of Thrones.

What’s your most treasured memory?

I’m lucky enough to have several. And they’re all family events with my long-suffering wife and my three kiddiewinkles.

If you could choose anyone in the world, who would you want as your dinner guest and why?

It would have to be Sir David Attenborough. I find what he says and his tone of voice captivating. And there’s nowhere in the world he hasn’t been so I’d get him to check out my bucket list!

Sarah Evans in an office smiling.

Sarah Evans

Executive Director Customer Experience

Sarah's all about our customers and our communities. She oversees the delivery of our business strategy and leads the way with our customer obsessed approach so our customers have a place they're proud to call home. She's also our Consumer Standards lead, too.

For her, leadership is all about honesty, integrity and authenticity. Great leaders set a clear vision and direction, and help motivate and inspire others to achieve. This all starts with the leader demonstrating the right values and behaviours first. Creating an environment of trust, open communication and collaboration is absolutely critical for a team to flourish and succeed. 

Sarah on a beach wearing a woolly hat and smiling

Sarah Evans

Executive Director Customer Experience

What was your first job?

At 15 I started work in a very busy cafe in Headingley called the 'Crusty Bin'. It was the cheapest full English breakfast by far, so students would queue out of the door every Saturday and Sunday. I loved the fast pace and the people, but hated how I smelt every weekend!

If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or into the future?

Definitely future, I'm always thinking about what things or people will be like in 10 years time...but I'd only go if you could come straight back to now!

Which phone app do you use the most?

It has to be WhatsApp...I'm part of so many groups it never stops! But I actually love it. I have friends and family all over the place and I love how WhatsApp encourages us all to communicate, connect and share more of our lives more often.

Tea or coffee?

It depends on the time of day. Always lots of strong black coffee in the morning, always sweet white tea in the afternoon.

A professional headshot of Nina Evison

Nina Evison

Executive Director Culture and Performance

Nina’s been instrumental in helping us make a massive cultural shift at Yorkshire Housing, and she’s not stopping there. It’s her mission to help make us the best housing provider in the UK, with customer obsession at our core.

Her love of working with people shows, and her track record of getting results means we’re already well on our way.

Picture of Nina Evison and her lovely dog sat outside

Nina Evison

Executive Director Culture and Performance

What job would you be doing now if you’d followed your childhood dreams?

I’m naturally very nosy and I love to write, so I was dead set on being a journalist from a young age. While that didn’t quite go to plan, I love working alongside the brilliantly talented communications team at Yorkshire Housing (who can still teach me a thing or two about getting a message across well!).

What was your first job?

I’m not sure this job exists anymore so I’m definitely showing my age, but I was once the hardest working paper-girl in my village! For those of you who don’t remember the days before news apps, there was a time when everyone had a newspaper delivered to their house... yes, really. I won’t tell you how old I was when I signed up for a paper-round, but let’s just say I think they’ve changed the law on working kids since then…

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Cheese, cheese and more cheese! I’m known by all of my friends and family as a complete cheese-fiend. I love it all – from Applewood cheddar to Zimbro (I will confess I had to look up a cheese beginning with Z to make that work, but I guarantee I’d love it!). Cheese makes me very happy.

If you could snap your fingers and become an expert in something overnight, what would it be?

Singing. I’m absolutely rubbish. You don’t want me anywhere near a karaoke.

Rob wearing a dark green jumper sitting on an indoor grassy bank and smiling at the camera

Rob Parkes

Executive Director Finance and Governance

Rob oversees all things finance and governance, making sure the business is running well so everyone can focus on customers.

He’s been part of the Yorkshire Housing team for almost a decade and has seen our services and the way we work evolve and progress, with the best yet to come.

For Rob, being a leader is all about helping others be the best they can be. It’s about unifying people to see an inspiring view of the future without losing sight of the now.

Rob wearing a mint green t-shirt smiling at the camera on the beach with his sunnies on

Rob Parkes

Executive Director Finance and Governance

If you could snap your fingers and become an expert in something overnight, what would it be?

Physics – I chickened out of studying this at university and picked finance instead. But I’m a geek at heart and am amazed by the scale, complexity and beauty of the universe. I’d love to know loads more than I do.

What was your first job?

Working on the deli counter at Morrisons in Pontefract when I was about 16. Enjoyed it. Lucky to work with some really nice people and could sneak a cheeky mini pork pie now and again, sshhhh. I worked in the Haribo factory for a bit as well. I put the Tang in Tangfastics (this is for Gavin Hoban who says I mention this at every opportunity, and it looks like he might be right).

What’s the best bit of advice you’ve been given?

There are a few bits but three stand out; Focus on what you can control and influence and try to let everything else go. It’s liberating. Back yourself (particularly in interviews and things where you’re on your own). If you don’t, then who will? And finally, be yourself – everyone else is taken. Sounds cheesy but if you really understand what matters to you, what you value and focus on that it just makes everything a bit better.

A photo of Sian smiling and looking just off camera. She's got long hair and is wearing a white top with a blurred colourful background.

Sian Webster

Executive Director Growth and Assets

Sian’s responsible for all things buying, selling and investing at Yorkshire Housing. Starting at Yorkshire Housing in 2014 as a development assistant, Sian’s worked her way up and is now leading our approach to homes for the future.

With a passion for sustainability and creating communities, she’s perfectly placed to lead our transition to net zero, too. And, it doesn’t stop there - not only has she had a huge impact on our development programme in her time here, Sian’s also built her own house with sustainability at its core.

When it comes to leadership, it’s all about trust and honesty for Sian, so people can be themselves and feel empowered to get on and deliver.

Sian climbing with her dog, reaching the peak!

Sian Webster

Executive Director Growth and Assets

What was your first job?

I was a pot wash at a village pub. First time i was asked if i wanted to become a waitress instead i turned it down – I was quite happy being in the background washing dishes!

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Sometimes, a night on the sofa with some cookie dough is the only thing that’s needed!

Which phone app do you use the most?

Octopus Energy – im a bit obsessive about checking my energy use (probably wayyyyy to much!)

Tea or coffee?

Tea, everytime – you'll rarely see me in a meeting without a cup of Yorkshire Tea in my hand!