You might be after a two-bedroom semi or a five-bed detached home. Whatever it is you’re looking for, we’ve got you covered!
We’re building hundreds of beautiful new homes across Yorkshire each year which you can buy through Space Homes.
If you’re a first-time buyer saving a deposit, getting on the property ladder can feel daunting. But don’t worry, we can help you get the keys to your very own home.
If you'd like to buy the Yorkshire Housing home you rent, you can find out more about this below.
Buying your Yorkshire Housing home
Would you like to buy the home you rent at a discounted rate? If you qualify for Right to Buy or Right to Acquire you can make it happen!
Right to Buy
You’ll qualify for Right to Buy if your home used to be owned by the council, but they sold it to us while you were living in it. You should also qualify if you moved from this home straight into another Yorkshire Housing property.
More information about the scheme is available on the government’s website.

Right to Acquire
You might be able to buy your home at a discounted rate if it was built or bought by us after 1 April 1997. You’ll need to have lived in your home for at least three years and have an assured tenancy.
More information about the Right to Acquire scheme is available on the government’s website.