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09 May 2023

Yorkshire Housing joins forces with Andy’s Man Club for 2023

Andy’s Man Club (AMC) has been chosen as our charity of the year, following a company-wide vote.  

The suicide prevention charity started out in 2016 as a group of nine men in a town hall in Halifax, and just like us, they’re proud of their Yorkshire roots! Since then, they’ve grown an army of 900+ volunteers, and have thousands of men join them every week.  

We’re looking forward to raising vital funds for AMC, and just like last year, we’re aiming to raise £15,000. This will then be matched pound for pound by Yorkshire Housing. We’re also teaming up during Mental Health Awareness Week, where a founder of AMC will be coming to speak to colleagues about the history of the charity, his personal experiences, and how people can access support. 

People and Culture Advisor Hannah Lynch and Finance Officer Glen Hodgson put forward Andy’s Man Club after hearing about their vital work and seeing how much it’s needed. 

Commenting on their successful nomination, Hannah said:  

“Over the last few months, I’ve had many phone calls from managers about their male team members who are struggling with their mental health. I’ve also spoken to male colleagues directly who’ve told me first-hand how much they’re struggling and how ashamed and embarrassed they feel to be fighting their mental health. 

“I nominated Andy’s Man Club to be Yorkshire Housing’s charity of the year as I want to help break down the stigma surrounding men’s mental health, and I’m so pleased we’re going to be supporting the amazing work they do! I think this sends out a really strong and positive message to all our male colleagues and beyond, that it’s OK to talk.” 

Project Development Champion at Andy’s Man Club, Oli Vikse, said:  

“We’re extremely happy to have been chosen by Yorkshire Housing for their charity of the year. It really means a lot to us and we’re truly thankful to be working together to help raise awareness.  

“As Andy’s Man Club is a donation-led charity, the money we receive will help us to support over 120 clubs nationwide, which in turn, helps support over 2,700 men each week!  

“Without the amazing support from the public and companies, we simply wouldn’t have been able to grow as much as we have in 7 years. We simply can’t stop and won’t stop.”  

Andy’s Man Club meet every Monday (except bank holidays) at 7pm. It costs nothing to attend, and you can even grab a free brew and a biscuit! Find out more and where your nearest group is. 

If you need help for a mental health crisis or emergency, please get immediate expert help:

  • If you’re under 19, you can also call 0800 1111 to talk to Childline. The number won’t appear on your phone bill.