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Success stories

We want anyone living in or near a Yorkshire Housing home to be able to go about their day-to-day life without feeling upset, scared or intimidated. Everyone should feel safe in their own home. 

But, sometimes antisocial behaviour (or ASB) stops this from happening. And when it does, we want to know about it. Here's a collection of success stories where we've worked with people to make sure everyone living close to a Yorkshire Housing home can live a safe, peaceful and happy life.

Take a look at how we used a court injunction to tackle noise and threatening behaviour in Ossett below or look at a our other success stories including:

How we used a court injunction to tackle noise and threatening behaviour in Ossett

We use court injunctions for all sorts of problems caused by nuisance neighbours, mainly to stop noise and late-night partying. But we’ve also used them when our customers have been on the receiving end of violence and threats of violence.  

Injunctions are court orders telling someone to stop their antisocial behaviour.  If the situation’s really urgent we can get an injunction in a couple of days.  And if the person causing the problem ignores it, they can be sent to prison for contempt of court. Here’s Sarah’s story. 

Sarah was having a really tough time. Her next door neighbour was having lots of parties and playing loud music during the day and late into the night.  

She’d tried to sort the problem out herself by asking several times if they’d keep the noise down, but things just got worse. She was being racially abused and her neighbour’s boyfriend was making threats of violence. 

Sarah was really frightened but agreed to help us out by giving us a witness statement. And because it was such a serious case, we went to court the next day. After looking at the evidence, the court gave us an injunction order which meant: 

  • the noisy neighbour had to keep any noise to a reasonable level
  • the threatening boyfriend wasn’t allowed in the property


Sarah was so impressed by our Tenancy Management Officer and how they’d handled the situation that she decided she wanted to work in crime prevention. She’s now a crime ambassador for Wakefield District Council.