Making sure you’re happy is our top priority. That’s why your feedback is so important. It helps us improve what we do and build the right services for you. So, whether it’s good or bad, we want to hear what you have to say. You can take a look at our annual customer complaints report to see how we're doing. And you can read all about out our customer obsessed strategy to see where we're heading too.
Sharing your feedback
So, what type of feedback can you share with us? It’s simple – complaint, compliment or a suggestion.
If you're chuffed with something we’ve done, let us know! We’ll use this feedback to thank our colleagues.
We also want to know if you’re unhappy with any of our services. We always aim to get things right first-time round. But if this doesn’t happen, let us know so we can get things sorted.
Let us know if you have an idea about how we could improve one of our services or policies! We’re always looking at how we can make things better so your suggestions are very welcome!
Our promise
When we deal with a complaint, we’ll always:
- Be fair and follow our complaints process
- Put things right
- Learn from it
We’ll try and resolve the issue for you straight away, we call this de-escalation. If we’re not able to do this because we need to look at things in more detail, then we’ll log a formal complaint for you.
We’ll let you know we’ve received your complaint within five workings days. Once we’ve logged your complaint, we’ll aim to resolve it within 10 working days.
Handy customer guides and downloads
Complaints handling reports
Sharing your feedback is simple...
Just fill out our feedback form and we’ll get back to you.

Our complaints process
When you make a complaint, we’ll try to get things sorted the first time you contact us. If this isn’t possible, here’s the steps we’ll take to get things fixed.
Our complaints process stages
If we can’t solve the problem straight away, we’ll log a stage one formal complaint.
We’ll let you know we’ve received your complaint within five workings days. Once we’ve logged your complaint, we’ll aim to resolve it within 10 working days. We’ll investigate the complaint and contact you to talk through how we can resolve the issue.
If you're not happy with our decision, you can ask for a review. We call this a stage two formal complaint.
The complaint at stage two won't be reviewed by the same person that considered the complaint at stage one.
We'll issue a final response to the stage two complaint within 20 working days of it being acknowledged.
If you’re still unhappy with our response, you can reach out to the Housing Ombudsman. They were set up by the regulator of social housing to look at complaints about landlords registered with them. Their service is free, independent and impartial.
You can also contact them at any time before, during or after your complaint for advice and support.
You can find out more about the housing ombudsman, including how to contact them, on their website.
Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code and self-assessment
We also follow the requirements in the Housing Ombudsman's Complaint Handling Code. The Code helps us as landlords to deal with complaints quickly and fairly. It also helps us to use what we learn from complaints to improve our services. As part of the Code, we’re required to complete a self-assessment, you can take a look at our most recent self-assessment here.
Unreasonable complaints
There might be times when we treat a complaint as unreasonable. By ‘unreasonable’ we mean the way a complaint’s made, things like:
- Using threatening, offensive or foul words on the phone or face-to-face
- Sending multiple threatening or offensive emails
- Leaving multiple threatening or offensive voicemails
- Sharing threatening or offensive posts on social media
We don’t stand for intimidating, abusive or threatening behaviour towards our colleagues. So, if a complaint’s made in what we consider to be an unreasonable way, we’ll take appropriate action to protect our colleagues. Here's our unreasonable customer behaviour policy.
Reasonable adjustments and accessibility
Whatever your needs, we want our services to be accessible for you. This might mean giving you the information you need in a different format (like in larger print) so it’s easier for you to understand, or providing a sign language interpreter at meetings. Get in touch with our team to chat about what support you need and how we can help you.
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction. So, if you’re not happy about a service we’ve provided or an experience you’ve had with us, you can complain about it. It could be something you’ve experienced personally, or it could be from a group of customers.
There are some things we don’t deal with through our complaints process. These are:
The first time you request a service
So, if your boiler breaks for the first time, this would be a repair request not a complaint.
Antisocial behaviour or issues with other customers
These are dealt with under our antisocial behaviour policy.
Where there’s a legal process happening
So, a claim for damages should be handled as a public liability insurance claim. Or, you might already be involved in court proceedings.
Housing applications or banding decisions
If they’re a part of a Local Authority Choice Based Lettings schemes. (These are schemes that allow applicants to search, apply and bid for social rented homes in their area.)
Decisions made by other organisations
So, a local council or a utility company that we have no control over.
A Yorkshire Housing policy
If you’re unhappy with one of our policies, we’ll treat this as a suggestion rather than a complaint. We work closely with customers when we change our policies. So, we’ll take into account any suggestions when we’re reviewing the policy.
The easiest and quickest way to make a complaint or give a compliment is to fill out our feedback form. You can also:
Email us:
Call us:
0345 366 4404
Write to us:
The Place, 2 Central Place, Leeds, LS10 1FB
If you're a Leeds City Council customer you can complain either to or Leeds City Council on 0113 222 4405 or at
We have our annual complaints performance and service improvement report where you can find an overview on the number of complaints, the outcomes of those complaints and the changes we've made to improve what we do.
You can also see our complaint handling code self assessment, our full Board report on complaints and also our Board's response to our complaints reporting.
Get in touch
This form is for telling us what you think about the service you’ve had from us. If something in your home isn’t working, you need to report a repair. If it’s an issue with a neighbour, you can visit our antisocial behaviour page.