If you already own one of our homes, you might have some questions around what level of service you can expect to get from us, or which responsibilities lie with you as the home owner. Just click through to the page that applies to you and we’ll answer your questions there.
If you’ve come to this page looking to buy a home, you’ll want to head this way.
If you’re a freeholder
You’re a freeholder of your home if you own the property outright, including the land it’s built on. If this is you but you pay us a service charge, you can find out more on by clicking the button.

Shared ownership
If you share ownership of your home with us, we can answer your FAQs on service charges, repairs and who’s responsible for what if you click the button below.

If you’re a leaseholder
If you own your home as a leaseholder and pay service charges to us at Yorkshire Housing, we’ll be able to answer all your questions if you click the button below.

Rent from us or looking to rent?
If you rent one of our homes, head over to our customer hub and you’ll be able to find everything from how to report a repair to info on how you can get involved in our customer panels.
If you’re looking to rent, head over to our 'Find a home' page.