Ways to pay your rent
Find out how to pay your rent in a way that suits you – you can do it anytime, anywhere!
There’s lots of different ways you can pay your rent, so just pick the one that suits you the best. We’ve explained them all below, but if you have any questions, just fill in the form at the bottom of the page or give us a call on 0345 366 4404.
The easiest way to pay so you don’t have to think about it! You can have a direct debit set up to pay your rent directly from your bank account weekly, fortnightly, every four weeks or monthly. Call us on 0345 366 4404 to set up your direct debit.
Another easy way to pay! Just like direct debits, recurring payments mean you won’t have to think about it every month. All we’ll need is your card details and we’ll handle the rest. Call us on 0345 366 4404 to get it set up.
- Online:
Pay any time of day or night by debit or credit card on the Allpay website. Once you’ve registered, your details are saved for future payments. Simple! Watch our step-by-step video below to see how to use it.
- Using the app:
Download the Allpay app to pay on your smartphone, anytime and anywhere. Download it from the Apple App Store, the Windows Phone Store and on Google Play and it will let you securely store payment reference numbers, bank details and payment amounts.
- On the phone:
You can also use the Allpay automated phoneline to pay your rent. It’s available whenever you are, you just need to make sure you have your debit/credit card and your 19-digit payment reference number to hand (not your 6-digit tenancy number).
- Call 0330 041 6497
You can set up a standing order to pay us directly from your bank. You should be able to do this from your banking app, or by calling your bank if you prefer. You should use your 6-digit tenancy number as your reference so we know who’s paying us.
Yorkshire Housing: Natwest (RBS)
Sort Code: 56 00 54
Account number: 00636452
Reference: (this is where you put your 6-digit tenancy number)
What does my rent go towards?
Your rent goes on a whole host of things. From repairs and home improvements, to reinvestment into new and existing homes, as well as the costs of providing our services.
How we set our rent
Check out our rent and service charge setting policy for more info about how we review and set our rents.
Paying rent on time
Paying your rent on time is really important. If you let your rent become overdue, you’ll go into arrears. If you decide to pay monthly, you’ll be paying your rent for the month ahead (so, the payment you make in June will be for July’s rent). The same goes for weekly payments, you’ll be paying for the week ahead, so your account will always be in credit.
What are service charges and how do they work?
If you pay a service charge for the home you live in, here’s a useful guide on how it works.
How we set our service charges
For more info about how we work out our service charges, take a look at our rent and service charge setting policy.
Tenancy and money coaching services
If you need any help with your finances or anything to do with your tenancy, then our money and tenancy coaching team are here to help. We can help with questions and support relating to looking for work, training opportunities, managing your money, claiming benefits, looking after your home, and managing debt – we’re only a phone call away!

Everything you need to know about rent increases:
We know that any increase to your rent won't be good news. However the cost of providing our services has become more expensive so by increasing your rent we're able keep up with inflation, allowing us to continue delivering essential services and maintain our homes.
Making decisions about the amount we need to increase rent by is never easy. Each year it's discussed at length by the Yorkshire Housing Board to make sure it's the right decision for both our customers and the future of the organisation.
All Housing Association rents are increased each year based on a formula we're given by the Government, which is CPI + 1%. CPI stands for Consumer Price Index which measures inflation, taking into account how fast prices on the high street are increasing.
CPI + 1% is the maximum amount your rent can be increased by. We have to use the CPI from September 2023 which was 6.7%, so the maximum rent could be increased by this year is 7.7%.
We'll get in touch with you at least one month before your rent's due to increase, this'll usually be by letter.
If you've had your rent review letter and know you'll struggle to afford the increase, please get in touch with your income officer straight away. Our priority is to support you in your tenancy, and we don't want you falling into rent arrears over the stress of it.
Our money coaches are here to help, whether that's putting together a budget for you so you know what's coming in and going out, or making sure you're maximising your income through additional benefits or grants. There's lots ways we can help.
If you live in one of our shared ownership homes, your rent is set by a clause in the lease and allows an increase of Retail Price Index (RPI) + 0.5%.
Retail Price Index is another measure of inflation used and is usually higher than the Consumer Price Index (CPI). If you're a shared owner, your rent will be increased by 9.4% for 2024.
There are a few reasons why you could be paying a different amount in rent to your neighbour. Two of the most common reasons are that you have a different type of tenancy so your rent is set in a different way, or that your neighbour moved in on a different date and their rent was calculated based on the rent setting formula at the time.
Your rent will increase once a year, and we'll send you a rent increase letter at least one month before it happens so you know how much it'll increase by. Depending when you pay your rent influences when the increase will start.
If you pay your rent weekly:
Your rent will increase either on the first Monday in April or the first Monday in October. There’re a few exceptions to this where the rent is increased on the first Saturday in April, but we'll let you know exactly when your rent will go up in the letter we send you.
If you pay your rent monthly:
Your rent will increase every 12 months, from the date you moved into your home. For example, if you moved in in June your rent will increase in June every year. You can check your rent increase letter for the date of your rent increase.
We know it's still a difficult time with the continued high cost of living, and this might lead you to consider refusing to pay the proposed rent increase. Doing this will result in rent arrears building up on your account and we'll have to take action to recover the unpaid rent that's due.
We always want to avoid this as it may end up with you facing more debt and possible legal fees which would make things more difficult for you financially. You're also at risk of losing your home if you continue to build up arrears by refusing to pay your rent and/or service charges.
In 2024/25 there will be 53 rent payment weeks in the year. This is to keep rent payments in line with the calendar year and happens every five or six years. Why? Because 52 weeks x 7 days is 364 days, then every four years you have a leap year which gives another day, so having a 53 week payment year keeps everything in check.
Universal Credit monthly payments are based on a 52 week year, so if you receive Universal Credit you'll need to make sure you put money aside to cover the extra week that your Universal Credit payments won't cover. If you're on a monthly tenancy then this won't affect you.
If you're on a monthly tenancy, you're probably on a market rent or intermediate rent tenancy. Your rent increases annually on the anniversary of your tenancy start date and is based on what's in your tenancy agreement.
Most monthly tenancy agreements will have a rent increase clause stating an increase of CPI (Consumer Price Index) + 1%. The CPI figure used will be from September of the previous financial year (our financial year runs from April to March).
Garage rents are calculated the same way our home rents are, so if you rent one of our garages your rent will also increase by 7.7%.
Your service charges are based on the cost of providing those services and includes a small administration charge, we don't make a profit from your service charges. Your rent review letter will include a breakdown of any service charges you pay.
The cost of providing services like gardening and cleaning increases year on year for us, so to keep up with the cost of inflation we have to increase the cost to you.
We don't make any profit on our service charges, we only pass on the costs that we incur which includes a small administration charge.
First things first we want find out why the service has dropped so we can put it right for you. Please get in touch with our customer experience centre by calling 0345 366 4404 so our team can investigate it for you.
Our Customer Voice and Review Committee (CVRC) were involved in the conversations. We also wrote to customers whose service charges would be increasing by more than £1.50 per week to see what they thought about the value for money. Providing a good service is important to us, so if changes need to be made we want to know about them.
You'll find all the information about what you need to do in the rent review letter we'll send you at least one month before your rent's due to increase. It's your responsiblity to sort out your Housing Benefit / Universal Credit claim and you'll need to make sure that the correct amount is paid towards your rent.
For Universal Credit, you'll need to share the details of your new rent with the Department for Work and Pensions through your journal. You'll only be able to do this during the assessment period the your rent charge occurs, and it must be done by the end of the assessment period.
For Housing Benefit, you can share a copy of the rent review letter we'll send you but we'll let them know of all the new rents, and you'll get a notification of your new entitlement. If you don't receive anything you'll need to get in touch with them directly.
If you pay by direct debit:
We’ll update your payments for you at the right time, and you'll receive a notification letter from Allpay confirming your new payment amount. It's your responsibility to check that the payment amount on the notification letter is correct and covers all the rent due from yourself. If it's incorrect, or you're unsure, please get in touch so we can check it for you.
If you pay by standing order:
Please get in touch with your bank and ask them to change your standing order.
If you think there's been an error or mistake in the way we've calculated your rent increase, please get in touch with our customer experience team who'll make sure it's looked into for you.
If you have any questions about your rent increase we’re more than happy to answer them for you, but we can’t deal with them as part of our complaints policy. This is covered in our Customer Feedback Policy.
Need to talk to us about your rent?
If you need help or want to talk about your rent payments, then our friendly team are here to help. Fill out the form below or give us a call on 0345 366 4404.