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Tenant Satisfaction Measures

What are Tenant Satisfaction Measures?

Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSMs) have been brought in by the Regulator of Social Housing. TSMs are a way of comparing how landlords across the country are performing and to make sure that good quality homes and services are being provided. It also means landlords and social housing providers like us can be held to account when they need to do better for their customers.

For us, we see it as an opportunity to build your feedback and experiences into making our services better. 

The survey's different from the ones we do after you've had a repair for example, they’re all about how you feel we’re doing in general. The measures help us to see what matters most to you and what we can improve on. Our first set of results are now in, and we’ve been working on some action plans to improve what you’re not happy with (more on that further down the page).

These results have been created from a mixture of your feedback in the tenant satisfaction survey, and data we hold. For example, safety checks, antisocial behaviour and complaints volumes are based on data we hold. To find out how we collected the data and what changes we're making, head to our FAQs. 

Where our scores are low, we’re developing action plans for improvements. We’ll focus on the comments we got from the survey as well as the numbers and put this alongside what our colleagues tell us are their biggest challenges too.

We’ve already started making changes and you should be able to see an improvement in our services towards the end of the year.

Overall satisfaction 

You’ll see our overall customer satisfaction score is 77.7% for our rental customers and 53.6% for our homeownership customers. We know there are some areas where we’re scoring well and others where we need to improve. The feedback you give us helps to shape our services and make the changes you’ve told us you want to see.  


We’re focusing on improving our lowest scoring areas to improve your experience as a customer of ours. Our lowest score was around your satisfaction to our approach to handling complaints. For the ‘low cost rental’ category it was 35.4% and for the ‘low cost homeownership’ category it was 24.4%.

Improving your experience if you have to make a complaint has been a key focus for us this year and it’s why we’ve made some big changes. Our complaints team has now been centralised, it has specialist leaders and we’ve doubled the number of resolution experts in the team too. We’re also making sure we learn from the times when we’re getting it wrong too so we can improve our services.

You can find out more about what we’re doing in our FAQ section.

Our safety check results


BS01: Gas safety checks


BS02: Fire safety checks


BS03: Asbestos safety checks


BS04: Water safety checks


BS05: Lift safety checks


We gathered survey responses between April 2023 and March 2024. A huge thank you to the 1,701 customers that completed the survey (1,562 from our low-cost rental customers and 139 from our low-cost homeownership customers)!

We worked with two different organisations to conduct the surveys on our behalf. From April 2023 to August 2023, we worked with Explain Market Research and from September 2023 to March 2024, we worked with MEL Research.

The surveys for our low-cost rental customers were done by phone. For our low-cost homeownership customers, surveys were initially by phone, however in March 2024, emails were also used. We added emails as we weren't going to achieve the number of responses needed from this group with just phone calls. Unfortunately, at the end of the reporting period, the response rate was lower than we needed for our submission for low cost homeownership customers. At the end of the reporting year, 47% of all low-cost homeownership responses were email responses. For the next reporting year (2024-25) we'll be sending out more emails so we can hear from more of you. 

Just so you know, we entered customers who completed the survey into a quarterly prize draw for a virtual gift card worth £50.

The Regulator of Social Housing sets out the questions we have to ask our customers, for both low cost rental and low cost home ownership customers. We could put our own introduction in so we've included that in the attachment below too. 

Here are the questions and script used

The results of the survey are submitted to the Regulator of Social Housing and must represent who our customers are and the homes they live in, or the data must be weighted so that it does. Our data accurately represented our customers when we considered characteristics such as the representation of flats and houses, customer age, ethnicity, building type and geographical area. We also didn't exclude anyone from our sampling. This meant we didn’t have to apply any weighting to the data. 

To make sure we were always hearing from a representative sample of customers, both Explain Market Research and MEL Research stratified the samples. To see how our customer data matched up to the customers that answered the survey, you can take a look at this representation table. So, each month, Explain / MEL Research adjusted who was called or emailed according to the stratified sampling approach. This was the approach for both low cost rental customers and low cost homeownership customers. 

We’ll be sharing more details over the coming months but here are some improvements we’re getting started on.

Communication and being listened to:

Your survey feedback said we needed to get better at communicating with you. We’re bringing all our systems together at the moment so we have a better view of what you need from us when you get in touch. And improvements to our customer portal and a new phone system will also mean it’s easier for you to do that too. We’ll also be growing the number of colleagues in our customer experience centre team so we can answer your calls faster.

Another improvement we’re making is around how we’re keeping you up to date when you’ve logged a repair with us. We’re going to be looking at where we’re not getting this right at the moment and put a plan in place to fix this as soon as possible.



Our complaints team has now been centralised. It also now has specialist leaders and we’ve doubled the number of resolution experts in the team too. These changes also make it easier for us to learn from where we’re getting it wrong too so we can improve our services.

Take a look at our complaints page to find out more about our complaints, including our complaints annual report and how it all works.



We know that our repairs service is one of the most important things to you and we know that when it goes wrong, it causes frustration. The good news is that when we get our repairs right first time, you told us you’re really happy with our service. So, we’re focused on making sure this is the experience we give more often.

Some of the feedback about where we can improve was around our communication for repairs. We’ve heard you loud and clear that you need us to communicate better about what’s happening and when with your repairs.

Another area you said we could improve on was with our contractors and the quality of service they provide so we’re also working on action plan to improve this.

Our full results:

Tenant perception measures:

  Low cost rental  Low cost homeownership
TP01 77.7% 53.6%
TP02 75.0% N/A
TP03 70.6% N/A
TP04 78.8% N/A
TP05 86.9% 64.2%
TP06 69.2% 37.3%
TP07 74.3% 49.2%
TP08 83.3% 60.3%
TP09 35.4% 24.4%
TP10 68.4% 32.5%
TP11 71.3% 25.5%
TP12 70.0% 36.8%


Complaints handling:

  Low cost rental  Low cost homeownership
CH01 (Stage 1) 63.7 14.5
CH01 (Stage 2) 9.4 1.4
CH02 (Stage 1) 90.2% 95.0%
CH02 (Stage 2) 91.9% 50.0%


Decent homes standard and repairs:

  Low cost rental 
RP01 0.0%
RP02 (1) 83.4%
RP02 (2) 95.3%


Anti-social behaviour:

NM01 (cases per 1,000 homes) 85.0
NM01 (cases involving hate incidents per 1,000 homes) 0.3


Building safety:

BS01 100.0%
BS02 100.0%
BS03 85.1%
BS04 100.0%
BS05 96.6%